Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Psychology Blog: Psych Central

This is nother psychology blog I read, I think you all might find it interesting.

Psych Central

Psychology of Derek Zoolander

Psychology of Derek Zoolander

Derek Zoolander came from a small mining town and grew up in a “traditional” American environment. Early childhood trauma includes the loss of his mother and likely suffered abuse at the hands of an alcoholic father. His father’s abuse may have been a catalyst for Derek’s abnormal femininity. Derek’s father has also blamed him for the loss of his wife giving a strong desire to please his Father.

Gender Confusion
Derek shows a preoccupation with traditionally feminine activities in particular, his obsession with makeup and beauty.

Mental Retardation
Derek has repeatedly demonstrated he is incapable of abstract thought and possesses weak reasoning skills. When being clued in to the plot to kill the Malaysian Prime Minister, Derek is unable to piece together two simple clues and arrive at a logical answer. Other blunders include misreading the title of a defamatory article titled “A Model Idiot” failing to grasp the jab at his own intelligence.

Sexual Identity
Derek Zoolander has displayed fluid sexual preference, joining an orgy that included women, males, and midgets. Bisexuality is not common in men. Men tend to either be gay or straight.

Mid Life Crisis
Derek’s career of being “professionally really, really, good looking” has left him with feelings of emptiness. He attempts to assign himself value by taking up a job in the coal mines with his father and brother in an attempt to gain their approval and validate his life. Leaving his hometown without his father’s blessing, Derek decides to open up “The Derek Zoolander School For Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Want to do Other Things Good Too” in an attempt to satisfy his desire for a sense of accomplishment.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

My Problems

I was going to do a "Psychology of Derek Zoolander" post but I'm way too tired. Instead I'm going to talk about my probles finding a format.

If you read the previous two "psychology of" posts you'll notice I've bolded different things. I'm trying to come up with a standard format, it makes it easier to write. Should I cover the evolution of the character? What if it's a character that is developed on a long running tv show? Can I just pick and choose psychological problem character X personifies?

These are the questions that run through my head. I guess we'll see what happens.

Crime Blog

Crime Psych Blog
Here is a crime blog I find interesting. I'll commemorate it with a psychological profile of one of the greatest villainous characters ever, Darkseid.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Psychology of Ron Burgundy

Subject: Ron Burgundy

Subject Background: Ron Burgundy seems to be on top of the world. His San Diego news team rules the ratings board, party’s almost if not every night, and lives very impulsively. He fits into a tight knit group of friends, all of which are significantly less intelligent than the average person. If it weren’t for assistants and caretakers, Ron Burgundy would barely be able to keep his job as San Diego’s leading newsman.

Analysis: Ron Suffers from substance abuse and narcissism. He lacks the ability to feel empathy for others and rarely perceives how his actions will affect the lives of those around him. Ron Burgudny’s anger issues make him prone to bouts of violence, extreme depression, and impulse buying.

Evidence Supporting My Theory

Substance Abuse
Ron exhibits classic signs of alcoholism. His drinking frequently interferes with the performance of his job, and when he isn’t drinking he usually has plans for getting drunk. He also surrounds himself with other substance abusers like fellow newsman Champ Kind.

Ron has a hard time understanding why colleague and hottie Veronica Corningstone rejects his advances. He explains that he’s “kind of a big deal”, assuming his fame should be enough to make Veronica fall for him.

Ron Burgundy grabs the attention of an entire party exclaiming “Hey everyone, come see how good I look.”

Many of his symptoms may be related to his experiences and trauma related to his service in the Vietnam during which he served under Capt. Tamblin. (See do a quick search for “Wake Up Ron Burgundy” quote “Looks like the captain’s back.” Said by Ron in reference to Brick.) We see classic symptoms of dissocitive disorder in many of his actions, most notably throwing a “delicious” “but filling” burrito from his car window, causing a motorist to crash. He also has problems noticing and relating to other’s emotions, in particular his girl friend Veronica.

Just So You Know

Just so you know, all my observatons and diagnoses are based on a whim. I have very little psychological training aside from a few general ed classes in college covering basic early childhood development and basic psychology. This site is just for fun and if you really think you need mental help I encourage you to seek some.

Oh yeah, and feel free to leave criticism in the comments. That is all.

Psychology of Jesse From Team Rocket

Psychological Profile: Jesse
Profile: Jesse grew up in near poverty, providing her the drive to better her life. Jesse attended and failed Pokemon nursing school despite showing “great promise” due to her inability to work with other students. Shortly after failing Pokemon nursing school she turned to a life with crime, partnering with cohorts James and Meowth.

Psychological Observations: Jesse sees herself as smart and independent, however she surrounds herself with weaker, lesser individuals. Her inability to work with people as smart or smarter than her likely made her feel insecure and vulnerable, and contributed to her failure as a Pokemon nurse. Bossing around individuals with significantly less intellect makes her feel more secure in herself.

Jesse responds quick and angrily towards negative comments about her looks and incompetence. However, people she is docile and compliant around people she perceives to be smarter, superior, or outrank her. Jesse has a hard time expressing kindness and empathy and goes through very difficult lengths to hide these feelings.


Borderline Personality Disorder: By surrounding herself with emotionally unstable friends like James and Meowth, and joining the underworld and Team Rocket, Jesse is fulfilling her need to surround herself with chaos.

Bulimia: Jesse’s obsession with being thin puts her at high risk for developing bulimia.