Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Psychology of Derek Zoolander

Psychology of Derek Zoolander

Derek Zoolander came from a small mining town and grew up in a “traditional” American environment. Early childhood trauma includes the loss of his mother and likely suffered abuse at the hands of an alcoholic father. His father’s abuse may have been a catalyst for Derek’s abnormal femininity. Derek’s father has also blamed him for the loss of his wife giving a strong desire to please his Father.

Gender Confusion
Derek shows a preoccupation with traditionally feminine activities in particular, his obsession with makeup and beauty.

Mental Retardation
Derek has repeatedly demonstrated he is incapable of abstract thought and possesses weak reasoning skills. When being clued in to the plot to kill the Malaysian Prime Minister, Derek is unable to piece together two simple clues and arrive at a logical answer. Other blunders include misreading the title of a defamatory article titled “A Model Idiot” failing to grasp the jab at his own intelligence.

Sexual Identity
Derek Zoolander has displayed fluid sexual preference, joining an orgy that included women, males, and midgets. Bisexuality is not common in men. Men tend to either be gay or straight.

Mid Life Crisis
Derek’s career of being “professionally really, really, good looking” has left him with feelings of emptiness. He attempts to assign himself value by taking up a job in the coal mines with his father and brother in an attempt to gain their approval and validate his life. Leaving his hometown without his father’s blessing, Derek decides to open up “The Derek Zoolander School For Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Want to do Other Things Good Too” in an attempt to satisfy his desire for a sense of accomplishment.

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